Sunday, August 30, 2009

In the Presence

I really liked hearing the church sing "Holy Holy Holy". I was enjoying listening so much I forgot to offer the song up as praise.

"In the Presence" truly moved me. It's a song from the very beginning of my Christianity. I was singing that song to God with all my heart.

It made it clear that for me worship is almost all about which songs we sing. Every song has good Christian lyrics. It's when the melody is powerful that I enter into worship irresistably.

I don't suggest we actually do this, but from an data based engineering perspective, it would be extremely interesting to poll people after each service to see which songs elicited the greatest responses and why.

On a different note: I was born again into a Charismatic church that spent the first 45 minutes to an hour singing praise and worship songs. At times when the music faded for a bit, people would ask for prayer, give praise reports, and prophesy. It was wonderful praying the words of those songs to God.


  1. I want to confirm what Steve is sensing. I had an AWEFUL night sleep Sat. and had a full day on Sunday, after church, which extended into Monday getting these boys back to college today! The thing is, the worship from yesterday stayed with me for nearly 36 hours now! Every event I was at, every situation I found myself in , every person I came in contact with, the songs from worship stayed with me, playing out in my heart, soul, and As Your children gather in Peace, I can only make my one desire, Holding on to Thee, Holy holy holy, though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man, Thy glory may not see! In the presence of a holy God, there's new meaning now to GRACE,You took all my sins upon Yourself, I can only stand AMAZED! You are here and I behold Your beauty, Your glory fills this place, calm my heart to hear You, Cause my eyes to See You, Your presence here IS THE ANSWER to the longing of my heart!There is a JOY in the journey! All those who SEEK it SHALL find it, A pardon for all who believe, Hope for the hopeless and sight for the blind, And FREEDON for those who OBEY...The joy of the Lord will be my strength! He will uphold me ALL of my days, I am surrounded by mercy and grace, And the JOY OF THE LORD is my STRENGTH!! PTL!! I think Steve is RIGHT ON when he speaks to how powerful the song selection and lyrics are. There are songs that lead people into the presence of God, that is what we need to consentrate on for opening worship. Then, offering could be more of a GIFT to the congregation to help them reflect personally on what the Holy Spirit is trying to move in their indivdual hearts at service. Communion songs should lead one to repentance, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and an awesome recognition of HOW VERY MUCH THE FATHER LOVES EACH OF US REGARDLESS OF THE MESS WE MAKE OF THE LIFE HE GIVES US!!! And then the end of communion and the close of service should BUILD US UP, SEND US OUT TO DO HIS WORK, GET OUR EYES OFF OF OURSELVES, OUR PROBLEMS, OUR DISSAPOINTMENTS, AND ON TO THE THE WORK WE ARE CALLED TO DO DAILY FOR HIS KINGDOM. There is nothing more freeing than getting our attitude right before Him...My life is not my own...It is His to do with as He sees PERFECTLY fit!!! This has been the second week in a row now that I felt stress, tension,ect at practice, but the moving of His Holy Holy Spirit at service!! THANK YOU LORD I also confer with Steve that we should allow for a longer opening worship, or at least be spiritually prepared for one as the Spirit moves, not necessarily REPEATING verses, but being prepared to move on to songs maybe not in bulletin if God gives to worship team or to spontaneous congregation starting praise! WOW, how cool would that be!! Excited to see what He continues to try and do at LOG...Laura

  2. Mark, Have been blessed lately by Chris Tomlin, "I Will Rise", "Born Again", by Third Day and "Wait and See", by Brandon Heath...could we learn either for offering or congregational praise? Laura

  3. One thing that help in preparation, I think, ws praying at the start of the Sunday practice time, and including the sound folks. We missed some people that way, however, because they hadn't arrived yet. I'm not sure what the answer is for that.
