Sunday, July 11, 2010

God is great

There are lots of worship songs that talk about the greatness of God.

Great is the Lord! He is holy and just.
By His power we trust in His love.

Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!

How great is our God! Sing with me! How great is our God!

What does it mean that God is great? What other songs come to mind that talk about the greatness of God?  Scriptures? I would love to hear from many in response to this.


  1. My favorite oldie: "...Thy pow'r through-out the universe displayed...I scarce can take it in... He bled and died to take away my sin...How great thou art!"

  2. I have used the word great very casually. Statements such as " What a great meal", "We had a great time", " wow, those were great fireworks" , etc. However when you use the word great as an adjective before God, a moment to ponder the significance of what that means is truly a feat.
    God certainly is greater than any earthly wonder.
    Maybe we should say "The Greatest God" to put it in proper context. God is the epitome of greatness. So much so that it hurts one's brain to fathom how great he truly is. I am humbled beyond belief when I think in these terms. How very small man is yet loved by the greatest being there ever was, is, and will be. I am not worthy, but filled with gratefulness.
