Here are some of the songs that we have used in worship over the past few months. If you had to pick the ten that were the greatest blessing to the congregation, which ones would you pick?
Title/ Author
Above All/ LeBlanc, Lenny\Baloche, Paul
Alleluia No 1 (Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks)/ Fishel, Donald E.
At The Foot Of The Cross/ Sheppard, Tre
Beautiful One/ Hughes, Tim
Before The Throne Of God Above/ Cook, Vikki\Bancroft, Charitie Lees
Better Is One Day/ Redman, Matt
Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord/ Prosch, Kevin\Daniels, Danny
Breathe/ Barnett, Marie
By The Blood/ Jernigan, Dennis
By Your Blood/ Hamlin, Jeff\Grondin, Alan
Carried To The Table/ Mooring, Leeland\Hindalong, Steve\Byrd, Marc
Christ In Me/ Garcia, Gary
Come Now Is The Time To Worship/ Doerksen, Brian
Cornerstone/ Patillo, Leon
Draw Me Close/ Carpenter, Kelly
Enough/ Tomlin, Chris\Giglio, Louie
Everlasting God/ Brown, Brenton\Riley, Ken
For The Lord Is A Righteous God/ Jernigan, Dennis
Glory Glory Lord/ Fitts, Bob
God With Us/ Bryson, Jim\Cochran, Nathan\Graul, Barry\Millard, Bart\Scheuchzer, Mike\Shaffer, Robby
He Knows My Name/ Walker, Tommy
Holy And Anointed One/ Barnett, John
Holy Holy/ Owens, Jimmy
Holy Holy Holy Lord/ Scholtes, Peter
Holy Is The Lord/ Searles, Jeff
How Beautiful/ Paris, Twila
How Deep The Father's Love For Us/ Townend, Stuart
How Great Is Our God/ Tomlin, Chris\Reeves, Jesse\Cash, Ed
Hungry/ Scott, Kathryn
I Believe In Jesus/ Nelson, Marc
I Exalt Thee/ Sanchez, Pete, Jr.
I Give You My Heart/ Morgan, Reuben
I Love You Lord/ Klein, Laurie
I See The Lord/ Falson, Chris
In Christ Alone/ Townend, Stuart\Getty, Keith
Indescribable/ Story, Laura
Isn't He/ Wimber, John
It's Your Blood/ Christ, Michael
Jesus Draw Me Close/ Founds, Rick
Jesus Messiah/ Tomlin, Chris\Carson, Daniel\Reeves, Jesse\Cash, Ed
Lamb Of God/ Paris, Twila
Lead Me To The Rock DeShazo, Lynn
Lord I Lift Your Name On High/ Founds, Rick
Love The Lord/ Brewster, Lincoln
Majesty/ Smith, Martin\Garrard, Stuart
Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord/ Owens, Jimmy
Mighty To Save/ Fielding, Ben\Morgan, Reuben
My Redeemer Lives/ Willison, John
My Soul Followeth Hard After Thee/ Smith, Jeff
Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus/ Jernigan, Dennis
Oh Lord You're Beautiful/ Green, Keith
On The Third Day/ Byrd, Marc\Maher, Matt
Open The Eyes Of My Heart/ Baloche, Paul
Psalm 19/ Butler, Terry
Refiner's Fire/ Doerksen, Brian
Resting Place/ Rademaker, Daphne
Sanctuary/ Thompson, John W.\Scruggs, Randy
Shout To The Lord/ Zschech, Darlene
Sometimes By Step/ Mullins, Rich\Strasser, David (Beaker)
Step By Step/ Strasser, David (Beaker)
Take My Life/ Underwood, Scott
The Basin And The Towel/ Card, Michael
The Heart Of Worship/ Redman, Matt
The Lord Is My Strength/ Jernigan, Dennis
The Lord Is My Strength/ Gallio, Frank
The Trees Of The Field/ Dauermann, Stuart\Rubin, Steffi Geiser
There Is None Like You/ LeBlanc, Lenny
Trading My Sorrows/ Evans, Darrell
Unashamed Love/ Hiebert, Lamont
We Are Hungry/ Kilman, Brad
You Are The Vine/ Daniels, Danny\Rigby, Randy
You Never Let Go/ Redman, Matt\Redman, Beth
You're Worthy Of My Praise/ Ruis, David